Adios, mi amado pueblo antiguo

Two summers ago, Scott and I bought a little summer place in Duluth, Minnesota, a small city at the very western tip of Lake Superior, prompted by conversations we’d already been having for at least five years about the long-term viability of living in Tucson in light of climate change.  Over the last 24+ years,…

Why I live in the back yard now

Since I have 2 new puppies at home, and carpets I would very much like to keep dry and unpooed as much as possible because we expect to get a couple more years out of them yet–I mean, I’m not a fool; I knew that the amount of pee and poop on my carpets would…

Viking Invasion: Welcome Floki and Torvi!

We knew we’d eventually get more dogs, and we knew they’d be Shih Tzus, because Shih Tzus are egregiously friendly, sweet, and they generally don’t weigh more than 15 pounds, so you can scoop them up if they’re getting in trouble. (It took both of us to move Daisy in and out of the car,…

TYoC comes to an end

Well, it’s been a year. Like many writers, there’s a part of me inclined to comment on the horrors of this year (and they be many), but I figure we’ve all lived it, some of us harder than others, and you already know, so we’ll leave it at that, assume universal empathy (although a true…

Felt bad, then felt a little better

It’s been a minute, and I’m honestly surprised to see that my last post was only just over a month ago; it’s felt longer, but then, every week of 2020 feels like 10, and time, a construct I was never that fond of to begin with, has lost all meaning. The pandemic, the election, the…

She’s Speaking

In 2014, I drove up to Sedona to attend a Myofascial Healing seminar to learn self-treatment techniques to supplement my weekly MFR treatments, because while MFR was working for me, and had improved my life immeasurably, it was both impractical and financially infeasible to be on my therapist’s table every single day of my life….

Achievable Goals

So the dollhouse has been delivered to Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, which was my first choice. The lady who let me in to deliver it, who had not been forewarned I was coming, was excited, and all she got to see was this: She said she might be tempted to play with it, and…

The Dollhouse Is Finished!

I find myself honestly surprised to be typing those words, because it sat on my craft desk so very long, and even though I worked at it in fits and starts, there was still so much to do. Then, in the last two weeks, I must’ve hit a tipping point, because suddenly, it was done….